You've reached the internet's #1 Web site for helping you, the consumer, repair and understand your manufactured home. Whether your searching for instructions, parts or advice, you've come to the right place.
Featured Repair & Home Improvement Articles
Mobile Home Insurance: An Overview
There is no question that you have to have homeowners insurance if you own your own home, but did you know that you need it even if you live in a mobile or manufactured home, just as you do if you live in a more conventional dwelling?
Adding A/C to your mobile home
Nothing beats the comfort of a central air conditioner in your home. Central air conditioners (also called split-system air conditioners) work with your furnace to blow cool air throughout the home.
"Greetings & THANKS!! for such a fantastic Web site! What a blessing it is to find something devoted strictly to mobile home repair!"
"Mark, you were right on the money again. The toilet had a very slow leak, almost undetectable which caused the ice to build-up in the sewer line. Once I had the sewer line thawed, I then immediately replaced the tank guts. Thanks for the time saving advice!"
"Just found your site and wanted to say "Thank You". I search forums all the time and never found one that dealt with mobile home like yours does. It is really great. Thanks again for creating this website."
Find New Mobile Homes throughout the U.S. at Manufactured Home Source!
Over 10 years ago when I started Aberdeen Home Repair, I turned to the internet looking for additional advice on how to repair mobile homes. Well, I ran into one problem 10 years ago the internet had no information! You also couldn't find any current books on mobile home repair. So I changed all that by creating and then wrote a popular repair manual. is now the worlds most visited site by consumers trying to repair their manufactured home.
My information on repairing mobile homes comes from years of hands-on experience. I've done about every kind of repair dozens of time. I know the correct way a repair should be done, and I share my tricks-of-the-trade for making the work easier.
My wife Lise is our office manager. We also manage a 210 unit mobile home park. Before starting Aberdeen Home Repair, I had also sold mobile homes. So when it comes to manufactured housing, I've pretty much done it all!
Because of my experience, I've been an Expert Witness in lawsuits regardng manufactured homes as well as helped with projects for HUD and FEMA. I'm also available for speaking engagements. My audience always gets a good chuckle when I talk about some of the darndest things I've run into when doing repairs.
Required reading for anyone who lives in a mobile home!
The book covers many manufactured home repairs and upgrades. A must for the do-it-yourselfer. Now on sale! Need this manual now? Then download it.
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