Hello and welcome to Willcockson Eye Associates, P.C. This private health care facility is the result of a group of physicians dedicated to providing the best possible medical and surgical eye care.
We would like to thank you for selecting us for your eye care needs. We will provide you and your entire family with the very best of care.
You can expect to learn a lot about your health during a routine eye examination. Our physicians can detect subtle changes in the eye which may signal the beginning of sight threatening conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and signs of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer.
Some of our Procedures & Services include:
Cataract surgery with implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL)
Contact lens fitting
Diabetic eye exams and treatment
Eyelid and facial cosmetic surgery
Laser after cataract surgery
Laser retina surgery
Medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma
Cosmetic Botox and Restylane Treatments