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Congregational Ucc of Pierre
Information may not be reliable

A set of name badge holders and blanks are on the desk at the back of the church.
Address123 N Highland Ave Pierre, SD 57501-2524
Phone(605) 224-5514
First Congregational United Church of Christ Pierre, SD

2010 FCUCC Church Officers

Sandra K., President
Virgil P., Vice President
Kerry B., Clerk
Brenda P., Treasurer
Jan P., Financial Secretary

A set of name badge holders and blanks are on the desk at the back of the church. Please wear one on the days you are an usher or greeter so it will help new people who come to church catch your name easier and get to know you. Please leave the name badge holders at the desk for use the next week by others. Thanks

Free River Cities Transit tickets
to provide transportation
to and from church services
or other meetings/services
throughout the week.
for members or others
who may wish to join us.

Contact the Church Office

Large print bulletins are available.
If you would like one,
please ask the usher.

at the back of the sanctuary

Thank you for visiting
our web page.

United Church of Christ


Rev. Susan Carr

Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Lectionary Study 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Children's Sunday School
~ Begins again September 12 Nursery
After Service: Coffee/Fellowship
Wednesdays: 5:45 p.m. Choir Practice 6:30 p.m. Youth Group/ Daring Disciples

November 19-21 - Fall Youth Event

December 4 - Christmas Tea

Welcome to Worship

We're easy to find:

Week of November 14, 2010

Children's Sunday School

Please join us for
Coffee & Fellowship
in honor of Mary Jewel's 90th Birthday

Beth Moore Bible Study

River Harmony Chorus

Week of November 21, 2010

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 1:68-79 or Jeremiah 23:1-6

Just copy & paste the verse
into the search box.

Fall Youth Event
The annual Placerville Camp Fall Youth Event
will be November 19-21, 2010.
This years event will be a birthday celebration
honoring Placervilles 90th birthday.
The event is open to all youth in the 7-12 grades.
The cost is $75.
Enjoy fellowship & fun getting to know other youth
from across the state.
Let Pastor Susan, Vicki V. or Roseanne S. know
if you are interested in attending.

Christmas Service Project
Sponsored by Riggs Guild

The First Congregational United Church of Christ
has a special relationship with
the Dakota Association of the United Church of Christ. The Dakota Association is made up of 12 congregations led by Native American pastors;
located on the Cheyenne River, the Standing Rock and the Rosebud Indian reservations.
Many are very small congregations
which serve the wider community around them.
At Christmas time,
the churches invite the whole community
to a Christmas Eve Feast and Give-Away.
This year, as we did last year,
we are inviting you to help provide gifts
to share with the pastors
so they in turn can disperse them
among the people they serve.

Simple, practical gifts & gifts for teenagers
are most appreciated.
The reservations receive used clothing gifts
during the Christmas season, some clothing is needed; other items are needed as well.
We would like to provide new items including clothing.

A suggested list of items follows:
- school and art: colors, markers, sketch pads, journals, books, etc.
- durable toys: trucks, dolls, blocks, educational toys,(no battery-operated toys please)
- watches, alarm clocks, jewelry, hair clips,
jewelry boxes, decorative items
- cosmetics, lotions, nice soaps
- personal toiletry supplies: razors, shampoo,
hair spray, deodorant, etc.
- socks, underwear, long johns
- towels & washcloths, blankets
- kitchen items: dish towels, sponges, kitchen bowls, small kitchen utensils or appliances, Tupperware
- small hand tools
- Christmas candies or sweets, snacks: nuts, pretzels, crackers, etc.
- sports equipment: football, basketball,
sports related clothing, baseball gloves, bats
- board games
We will collect the gifts at church,
throughout November until Dec. 13.
We ask you to wrap each gift, put a tag on indicating male/female, age range, size or what it is.
Individuals working with the gifts need to determine
who it would be appropriate for.
A table is set at the back of the church
for your convenience.
Thank you for your ministry to this wider mission
in which we share!

Pierre Area Referral Service (PARS)
is offering the opportunity for individuals, churches, clubs/organization and local businesses
to open their hearts and make a difference to a family who may not have a Holiday Dinner without help.
This year a holiday meal costs as little as $36.00. Christmas meals can be purchased

Holiday Meal Sponorship Forms are available
on the table under the bulletin board.

2:00-4:00 p.m.
Come one, come all.
Do your Christmas baking at the bake sale.
Enjoy homemade pie,
coffee, tea and Italian sodas.
Signup sheets are available for
workers, pies and cookies.
A suggested price list is in the

Yankton College Scholarships
The office received information on two scholarships available from Yankton College,
one is a general scholarship
and the other is a post-graduate scholarship.
You can go to
to download information & forms
or contact the church office.
Applications and supporting materials must be postmarked no later than Friday, February 11, 2011.

Womens Fellowship Directory
A new Womens Fellowship Directory
has been printed and is ready for distribution.
If you belong to a guild you should have received
your directory at your last meeting.
If you are not a member of a guild and would like a copy of the directory, you will find them
at the back of the sanctuary.
Womens Fellowship Executive Board

We have an amazing directory to put to print
(Thanks to Lori E. & family).
We didnt charge you anything
except for pictures you wanted to purchase.
We forgot to charge for directories.
It will cost $892.50/125 copies

We have started a freewill offering
to cover the cost.
Please do what you can.

You'll notice a circle of chairs
at the front of our worship center.
It's a 'prayer circle'
and is a space where you are invited to go
before or after worship
for a time of communal prayer.
Other's will join you there
- it will be a time for praying for the people & situations on our prayer list,
but also an opportunity for other concerns or joys
to be shared.
We thank you for being a part of our intercessory team and pray that God will bless this endeavor
in the months ahead.
"Where two or three are gathered in my name,
there I am in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

FILLING BACKPACKS! The Mayflower Guild takes a food offering
for the Backpack Program throughout the year.

Last year 314 students(!) were eligible for free meals through the National School Lunch Program,
but over the weekend many of these children
will not have food in their homes
to provide for the meals they need.
These backpacks become a stopgap against hunger
in our communities!
For as little as $150.00/year
a child in our community
will receive a child-friendly sack of food
each week throughout the school year.
Please purchase items that are individually packaged.

Living Beyond Yourself
Thursdays this fall,

in the Chapel
Marlene Gloe will lead the study.

Everyones invited, bring a friend.

Also needed are
white crew socks, gloves and hats
for kids ages 4-11 (pre-K through fifth grade),
both boys and girls.
Backpack Food Program
Mayflower Guild is again supporting
the Backpack food program by coordinating &
delivering donations to Pierre Area Referral Service.
They have supplied a decorated box near the office
for you to drop off your donations.
The following food items can be used:
(No items containing peanuts or peanuts products)
All individual serving sizes:

Instant Oatmeal Packs
Microwave Meals (soup, stew, mac & cheese, or noodle)
Individual Cheese and Crackers

Lunch cupsbeef or chicken

Small Raisin Boxes

You can also sponsor a child.
For as little as $150,
we can provide a student with a backpack of food
each weekend for an entire school year.
Volunteer groups or individuals are needed
to help fill sacks.
Call 224-8731 if you are interested.
Contact Pierre Area Referral or the church
for additional information.

Everyone is Invited to
Potluck Brunch/Lunch Sunday

1st Sunday of Each Month
Following Worship Service
Next Potluck: December 5

We extend a warm Welcome to all who worship with us.
May your attendance at our worship service
be a wonderful blessing.

Family of Peg Post,
wife of former UCC President Avery Post

Marv & Dels great-grandson Chris C.

Ellis & Susan C.

Daryl G. - Sue S.'s brother

Men and Women of the Military: Brian W., Randy M., Scott P.
Our State & National leadership
Those struggling through
these tough economic times
Our homebound members
here and elsewhere
Please write out prayers,
joys & concerns
and place in the offering
or in the office.


E-mail Lori E. at
to be added to the
e-mail prayer chain.

If you have checked out
one of Teds books
and are finished reading it,
please return it to the office
so others can

make me an instrument
of your peace.
Where there is hatred,
let me sow love,
where there is division,
unity, where there is error,

where there is injury,

where the is doubt,

where there is despair,

where there is darkness,

where there is sadness, joy.
O divine master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled
as to console,

as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving
that we receive,
it is in pardoning
that we are pardoned
and it is in dying
that we are born
to eternal life. (St. Francis of Assisi)

may we all sense the glory
of your presence today
and find hope
for lifes challenges.

Open to all from
5th grade thru 12th grade.

for 5th thru 10th grades

All ladies of the church
are welcome and encouraged
to join a guild
or attend any meeting they wish

program, and food.
Altar Guild 10:00 a.m.

Riggs Guild 9:30 a.m.

Mayflower Guild 6:00 p.m. 4th Mondays

any present member
for further information

Everyone Can Serve
Look for opportunities to serve; dont wait to be asked!
Remember: You can serve
without being a part of an official ministry.

The Cross Triumphant
What does the UCC logo symbolize?

Our Purpose, Faith,

125th Anniversary Celebration August 4th 7th 2005

Moments from Our History

For additions or corrections,
please contact Webmaster


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