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General election complaints heard by OST Executive Board
Three passed onto Supreme Court, two referred to tribal council
PINE RIDGE – With rumors swirling around Pine Ridge Reservation about the possibilities of the Nov. 2 general election being thrown out, the OST executive board met Monday morning in executive session at the Red Cloud building in Pine Ridge to review a number of complaints filed with them concerning the tribe’s general election. More...
By Vi Waln Times Editor
HE DOG SCHOOL – The staff and students of He Dog Elementary once again hosted a great program to honor local military veterans. Master of Ceremonies was Pat Bad Hand. The D. L. Quick Bear Legion Post 310 of Norris, SD posted their colors for the afternoon event. Along with local veterans from several military branches and eras, special guests included members of the U.S. More...
Shannon County Reservation-wide Speech Contest Results
Wolf Creek – Jordan Carlow American Horse – Selena Thunder Hawk American Horse – Marlene Dull Knife American Horse – Triston Rowland & Almadon Swalley Our Lady of Lourdes – Mia Twiss & Samaya Blacksmith Our Lady of Lourdes – Savannah Jacobs & Chanda Lays Bad Our Lady of Lourdes – Ashley Richard & Peppermi More...
KYLE, SD - Whitney White Lance of Kyle has been selected to participate in the statewide leadership program Partners in Policymaking. Coordinator of the leadership program, Sandy Stocklin Hook, of South Dakota Advocacy Services in Pierre noted, “The committee who selects the participants for Partners in Policymaking does an awesome job in filling the class. More...
Cedar Face selected as new associate judge, Shangreaux, Twiss chosen for prosecutors
OGLALA – The OST council selected Fred Cedar Face as the new associate judge for the Kyle court during a special session Monday at the Prairie Wind Casino. Cedar Face was selected from a pool of five candidates vying for the judge position which carries a four year term. More...
NCAIED 40 under 40 winner Nick Tilsen shares his vision for the future
Pine Ridge School FACE Program Children and Families Pick Pumpkins
The lessons and activities of the Level 3 Textbook were written with the intent to find balance between the indoors and outdoors, animals and humans, Traditional and New. This student edition is designed to be used in conjunction with the Level 3 audio CD and the Level 3 Flashcard Set. The Teachers guide is printed separately. More...
Little Wound School is in the process of implementing a telephone broadcast system to inform all parents K-12 of upcoming events, school closure due to bad weather, early outs, etc. (KILI will also be notified). We have sent a letter home informing parents of this happening. We do need the phone information forms back by November 16, 2010. More...
November 17 - November 24
aRIES: MaRCH 21 - aPRIL 20 Sometimes it's best to accept the fact that you have to ride the horse in the direction it's going. If you keep pushing yourself, or keep trying to prove that you're right you'll wind up creating nothing but trouble. More...
Ta Tiwahe Wawokiye Win,
Kyle, SD - Dora Apple “Ta Tiwahe Wawokiye Win”, 80, journeyed to the Spirit World on November 9, 2010 at Rapid City, SD. More...
Close to 40 participants make casinos first archery tournament a success
OGLALA – Al Kraus, Black Hills Archery, rolled through the first Prairie Wind Casino’s Shootout on the Plains archery tournament Saturday to win first in the compound bow, first in the re-curve bow and led his team to first in the team competition. More...
Red Clouds Denver Nugget trip provides pre-season spark